Culver City, California, April 2, 2003 – World leading manufacturer of brewing equipment, Bavarian
Brewery Technologies of Culver City, CA and Arnold Holstein Gmbh of Markdorf, Germany entered
into a partnership agreement to join forces in building, supplying and marketing a full line of top quality
distillery equipment. The partnership will operate in North America under the trade name
Bavarian-Holstein Partners.
Under the partnership "Bavarian-Holstein Partners", the
manufacturing and marketing activities are merged into a
common sense co-operation between Bavarian Brewery Technologies
and Arnold Holstein GmbH. Bavarian-Holstein will satisfy
all distillery equipment needs from low-end to top, "deluxe"
design of complete or partial systems, all executed with
the highest quality and the most competitive prices in the
industry. Mr. Volker Dietrich, Holstein's Engineering and
Export Manager said: "Based on our broad experience in building
traditional and precision state-of-the-art German distilleries,
our company took on many 'show-case' jobs worldwide. We
produced more than 5000 distilleries. I expect that our
stills combined with Bavarian’s very high quality and price
efficient tanks will beat every other competitor’s offerings
in the world."
According to Dr. Lewis Harsanyi of Bavarian Brewery Technologies, president and owner,
"Bavarian-Holstein will have the task to make the emerging North American market know the
partnership's products, and to market them with a strong competitive edge over others because of
the unquestionnable quality, high level of service by both partners and the guaranteed lowest price
across the board, based on comparable products" Harsanyi said.
Bavarian Brewery Technologies has been manufacturing brewing systems for worldwide customers
(US, Germany, Japan, China, Carribean) for twelve years, headquartered at 5041 Coolidge Ave.,
Culver City, California 90230. Arnold Holstein GmbH has been fabricating and installing distillery
systems also worldwide, and is located at Stadtgraben 15, Markdorf, Germany.
Bavarian Holstein sells Arizona its first
distillery system. The Mogollon
Brewing Company, aka High Spirits
Distillery, will specialize in producing
vodkas. They are excited about the new
venture and encourage fellow breweries to join the distilling
bandwagon. |