Please call: (310) 391-1091

10 bbl Steam Brew House, complete
with Mash/Lauter/HLT, Kettle, Platform
PRICE: $7,550 as is

Mash/Lauter Tun and Hot Liquor Tank                          Kettle/Whirlpool 

Steam Boiler, Heat Exchanger, Pump may also be available

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20 bbl Bright Beer Tank           20 bbl Conical Fermenter
$2,650                                   $2,850


10 bbl bright beer/serving tanks

Include:CIP Sprayball, CIP arm, Temperature sensor, Pressure Relief Valve,  Sampling Valve, Butterfly Valve, Level Gauge Assembly

Price: $2,050                               Price $2,050 each


Used Plate Filter - PRICE: $1,900
(Handles up to 30 bbl batches)

Used Plate Filter - PRICE: $1,500
(Handles up to 14 bbl batches)


Used 2 sq. meter D.E. Filter - PRICE: $2,200


Used Chiller - PRICE: $1,000
(stainless reservoir, Tecumseh condenser, heat exchanger coil)

2 Rollers Grain Mill - 1200 lbs/hr
with auger attachment and expanded hopper
PRICE: $1,750


15-30 bbl NEW fermenters are also available.
For information contact: Lewis Harsanyi at Bavarian, (310) 391-1091 - Fax: (310) 391-4530