Plumbing and Electrical Schematics are provided when 
installation is not contracted with Bavarian


It is your option to decide to hire your own contractor to complete the installation of the utility lines, such as gas, water, glycol piping, electrical. 
    In this case Bavarian assembles the brewery, including the brewhouse vessels and the manifold, and provides technical assistance to build the utility lines and connect them to the brewery. 
    The installation is followed by the training session, usually a live operation, to complete a test batch. During this operation, your brewer will learn the specifics related to the Bavarian system. 


In addition to Installation Supervision, Bavarian offers actual installation of the complete brewery. This service assumes the presence of all necessary utilities at the time our installation work starts. The turnkey installation assures knowledgeable and efficient project implementation based on our broad experience, and also allows our customer to control potentially runaway costs by less experienced subcontractors. 
    Our turnkey installation includes all plumbing: steam piping from the boiler to the brew house, glycol piping from the condensing unit(s) to all tanks, insulation of pipes offering different options, such as “budget”, “deluxe”, etc., from half inch pipe size to 4 inch. The picture on the right shows an example of “deluxe” pipe insulation. 
    Our glycol piping may include a number of convenience options, such as flow indicators for each tank to be cooled (see picture above), solenoid valve bypasses for manual override when necessary, safety features, and many others. 
    Besides plumbing, we offer to do all electrical work related to the temperature control of the tanks, brew house, fermenters, storage tanks, whatever is run by 24V power. Depending on the location and the local code, we may offer electrical wiring of motors and pumps as well. 
    Building carbon-dioxide, nitrogen, air or oxigen lines for carbonation, pressurization and aeration purposes is also available. 
    Our specialists will build all the necessary, professional support construction to hold the glycol, water, steam and electrical lines. 
    As a summary, by granting the turnkey installation option to Bavarian, you will control costs, rely on expertise, and assure timely completion of the entire project, guaranteed by a single company.

Glycol Piping 
with Flow Indicator 
Attractive Pipe Insulation 
with PVC Covers
Bavarian Brewery Technologies - Phone: (310) 391-1091 - Fax: (310) 391-4530