BeerDrinking Protects Against Heart Disease
(BritishMedical Journal)
Thelowest risk for heart attack was found among men who drank almost dailyand who drank 4 to 9  liters (9 to 20 pints) a week!

Martin Bobak,senior lecturer and Michael Marmot professor at the Department of Epidemiologyand Public Health, University College London, U.K., and Zdenka Skodovasenior researcher at the Department of Preventive Cardiology, Prague, CzechRepublic has recently published their research study in the British MedicalJournal (May, 2000) about the health effects of beer.

Below, wewill show excerpts of their scientific study, the results of which aremost useful for all of us in the brewpub and microbrewery industry.

The issueof how beer drinking is related to heart disease was addressed by conductinga study utilizing the help of a great number of cardiologists in the CzechRepublic, a predominantly beer drinking country.

The two groupsof the studied population were people who already had a non-fatal heartattack before, and a control group randomly selected from the overall population.Theanalyses were restricted to non-drinkers and to men who typically do notdrink other than beer.

The resultswere true for both groups of people observed. 
It was alsofound, however, that the protective effect was lost in men who drank twicea day or more.

A healthydose of good beer...
Effectsof Beer Consumption on Heart Disease
Frequencyof DrinkingRelativeOdds to get heart attack
Never (basisof comparison)
Less thanonce a month
Less thanonce a week
Several timesa week
Almost daily,or daily
Twice or moredaily
AverageWeekly Beer Consumption 
Less than1 pint per week (basis of comparison)
1 to 8 pintsper week
9 to 20 pintsper week
More then20 pints per week